Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy December, Everyone!

Thanksgiving 2013 was totally delightful because we had so many smiling, charming guests!
The food was spread out on the counter, ready for lots of hearty appetites.

Sister Pickett and Sister Hamstead look like they're ready to feast!

 Speaking of feasting, I think we'll all do okay.  Look at all of the matching blouses - it's going to be a 'peachy' day.
Sister Orr (right) insists my rolls and strawberry jam taste just like her grandmother's.  (Isn't that a sweet compliment?)  Sister Mayorca is brave enough to try pretzel salad, even though she's never heard of it before.  This isn't a salad that is served in Columbia, obviously.
Everyone is cleaning their plates.  It's so fun to have these beautiful young women share our home at this time of year when we are counting our blessings.  Left to right:  Sisters Jeppson, Leon, Rios, Finau, Weedman, and Brownell.
The sisters at the Visitors' Center are definitely at the top of our list of blessings.  They're AMAZING!
   From the left:  Sisters Luna, Mayorca, Taboada, Orr, Miller, Avanesjan, and Longshore.

We only had 20 of the 28 who are serving with us this transfer who were at dinner today, but we're grateful for each and every one.  It has made our last Thanksgiving in Mesa very special.
Surrounding this table are Sisters Carmack, Pickett, DeMille (standing), Hamstead, Taumarawa (standing), Beaudette, and Younce.

We also enjoyed having four of our grandsons (and their parents) here for the holiday weekend.  These boys were pretty impressed with these HUGE lemons that they picked right off the tree.

Jared and Amy felt it was worth the long drive from Layton, Utah to bask in this beautiful 74 degree weather. 

We had fun seeing the dollar bills papering the walls at this restaurant in Tortilla Flat - the last stagecoach stop on the Apache Trail.  We also spent some time at the Goldfield Ghost Town and at the Mesa Swap Meet.  Now that's an experience! 
The Christmas Lights Concerts began on December 1st.  The stage and risers for the choirs have been in place for over a week.

Inside the VC we are proud to share this lovely nativity display with our guests.
Each year Sister Fuller shares over 100 nativity scenes from places all over the world.  She owns enough different sets that she doesn't need to repeat any of them more often than every four years.

These depictions of the Saviors' birth all differ in their cultural adaptation.  I was fascinated to see the variety of styles and materials used.

This picture made out of wood uses over 500 different pieces of wood, all in their natural color.  The artist used no stains to achieve the many different colors in the scene.
The opening night on Friday, November 29th brought the largest number of guests on record.  Sister Finau is inviting some of the guests to view a video of the Savior's birth from Luke II.

Sisters Rios and Avanesjan are 'floating' in the back, with Sister Brown talking to some guests on the right and Sister Clark waiting to start the next showing of God's Plan for His Family. 

We love to share the beauty and spirit of the Christus with guests.  Sisters Garcia and Beaudette are waiting to make the presentation when the room is filled.
 Big smiles by Sister Jeppson and Sister Hamstead encourage our many guests to feel welcome to come into the center and enjoy the spirit and tribute to the Savior that is prevalent here.  It's going to be a great month!  The Mesa Temple's annual 'Christmas Lights'  event is well and truly underway!  Already the sisters have garnered over 400 referrals - Way to Go, young ladies!  You're doing a wonderful job!

1 comment:

  1. We are really going to miss these wonderful glimpses of your mission, but are looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope you have a wonderfully busy Christmas and a joyous New Year.
